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Tanigawa mountain range a generic name surrounded by mountains including Mt. Mantaro, Mt. Sennokura and Mt. Shigekura. Mt. Tanigawa-dake the name is used to refer to Toma peak ( 1963m ) and Oki peak ( 1977m ) collectively. Mt. Tanigawa-dake originally called the name as neighbor Mt. Manaitagura, but the geographical survey institute error in writing, both Toma and Oki peak became called Mt. Tanigawa-dake




summary of Mt. Tanigawa-dake

the mountain located on the border of Gunma and Niigata Pref,where includes some steep terrain and lots of complex terrain of rock, there is also the wide range of climbing routes. Mt. Tanigawa-dake - Ichinokurasawa is one of three greatest rock.
in winter season of the Kanto area, they have much snow usually along the border to Japan sea coast, and relatively dry in pacific coast. Mt. Tanigawa-dake constantly breakwater of moist clouds so it makes much snow,result in this area’s climate change drastically because pile up both japan sea coast and pacific coast’s one. changes in temperature, steep terrain, so an avalanche occurs frequently here in Mt. Tanigawa-dake.
about 2000m altitude, but this mountain became risk level in high of distress accident when some adverse conditions overlap such as thick fog, strong wind happened. according to the Mt. Tanigawa-dake distress accident record statistics were started from 1931 (showa 6 years),807 people died includes climber, skier, and snowboarder in Mt. Tanigawa-dake so far.this mountain occurs world worst mountain’s aaccident.taking these results, Mt. Tanigawa-dake also called as “magic mountain” , “man-eating mountain” or “headstone of a grave mountain”.

photo / Hi-see


谷川岳は、本作のタイトル通り雪崩の頻発する山です。どの雪山でも滑るには、滑走技術が必要不可欠ですが、その前に山岳ライディングでは、まず ”心構え”・”知識”・”経験” の3つが必要です。自然の雪山に入り、もし何かが起こった場合、自分たちでその問題を解決しないといけません。雪山ではすべてが自己責任だからです。谷川岳ではこの3つを、高いレベルで身につけていないと、自分と仲間の命を危険にさらすことになります。日本でも数ある”雪崩の山”のひとつである、谷川岳の撮影を進めて行くうちに、この3つは、谷川岳以外の雪山を滑る時でも絶対的に重要な事であって、これは本作のテーマになると考えるようになりました。
何処の場所でも、何時の時代でも重要な、この”心構え”・”知識”・”経験” を本作品のテーマにして、雪崩の山・谷川岳 -選んだ者と選ばれた日- を制作しています。


as the title, Mt. Tanigawa-dake is the mountain where occurs frequent avalanche. to drop in any snow mountain it’s essential of snowboarding skills, mountain riding before, we need to having three things of “experience", "knowledge”and “mental attitude”. we need to solve some troubles on our own if something accident happened in the nature snow-mountain. it always self-responsibility in the snow-mountain. you will be endangering the lives of "fellow and yourself”if you do NOT acquire high-level skills these three. while through the shooting in one of the “an avalanche mountain” Mt. Tanigawa-dake, these three are absolutely important for us to ride in the snow-mountain even except Mt. Tanigawadake, so i thought this things will be the theme of this project.
important whenever, wherever,these three “experience", "knowledge”and “mental attitude” for theme, i proceed this production this “an avalanche mountain Tanigawa-dake - chooser and the chosen day -