
photo / Yoshi Josef Toomuch

his father takes him there and he has been riding at Tanigawadake-Tenjindaira ski resort since 3 years old. he changed to snowboarding from ski when he was 2nd year junior high school student. he rode the slope of Mt. Tanigawadake when he was teenage, seems one of Machigasawa where we can see in this movie. shooting in park and street shred, through athlete of snowboard cross, after that he keeps to aiming for his first descent in huge slopes of Mt. Tanigawadake. he is a second generation of local snowboarder in Mt. Tanigawadake.
Sponsor:TJ brand・12snowboards・AFDICEGIAR・DRAGON・DEELUXE・bca・UNION

photo / Hi-see

ユキマル / Yukimaru
Nori’s family
he went scouting with Nori to Machigasawa when the first opportunity to head Mt. Tanigawadake. he never miss to taking a Kumaana-shelter the day before attack huge slope. he run the slope of Mt. Tanigawadake many times over. super brushwood dog!


  • うちの親父が谷川岳に魅せられてて、谷川岳を滑り始めたのは3歳くらいの時でしたね。その時はまだスキーですけど、週末とかに連れて行ってもらってて、スキー場からだんだん区域外へ入ってフィールドが広がって行きましたね。


  • 小学校3年くらいなんですけど、今でも覚えている出来事がありますね。親父と兄貴と3人でバックカントリーに入って遭難しかけた事があって、ここはスキー場とは違うなっていうのを分からされましたね。その時は親父が夕方になっても『ココ何処だ?』って感じになっちゃってて、穴掘るかって言ってたら、出口の経路が分かったみたいで、『おー分かったぞ』って。それでその日は成立したっていう。(笑)もうひとつは親父の仲間のスキーヤーに連れられて、雪崩の落ちきった、デブリだらけの春の西黒沢に入っていったのは凄い記憶に残ってますね。その時は雪の量も今よりも多かったし、そのデブリだらけの光景が衝撃的でした。

━━━when did you begin to ride at Mt. Tanigawadake?
my father was charmed by the mountain, so i think i started to ride there too when i was 3 years old. i ski at that time, my father takes me there, we improved and gradually spread our field to outside of resort course.
━━━when did you start to ride in backcountry?
when i was 3rd grade of junior highschool, i remember specific events even now. my father, my brother and i went into backcountry and we were about to met with disaster, then i learned how different from ski resort area. my father still got lost for back way from backcountry in evening at that day, but he finally figured out where we were, when we almost decide to dig for shelter, like he said “oh, i got it”. so we survived and come back safely, haha. the other mishap was, my father and his friend skier took me up, and we rode through slope covered so much crazy snow chunks (debris) after happened avalanche of the spot called Nishikurosawa in spring. there were amount of snow than recent, it was arresting sight by snow chunks.

(上)時代を感じる一枚 (下) 平リフト横で:ノリ中学生


  • 怖かったというより、若かったし、アドベンチャーみたいな感じで好奇心の方が大きかったですね。


  • 中学2,3年の時にスキーからスノーボードに履き替えました。そこからは、またすべてイチからやり直しでしたね。


  • スキー場で滑っていた時から、雪が降ったらパウダー滑るっていうのが基本でした。もちろんその頃は天神平もパークとかなかったんで、ナチュラルの地形で遊ぶっていうのを自然にやってて。当時はジャンプも落ち系ばっかりでしたね。(笑)逆にパークとかって言うのが自分には新しいなって、そうゆう感じでした。それで、春先はパークでジャンプやレールとか、ストリートレールとかもしてました。それから徐々にスノーボードで山を滑るっていう感じになって、何時も風景だった所が、スノーボードが出来るフィールドに見えて来て、少しづつ谷川岳の上を目指して行くようになりましたね。

━━━scared that?
i was young, so i felt rather interested like adventure than scared.
━━━when did you start to snowboarding?
i think 2nd or 3rd grade of high school, from ski to snowboards. i made fresh start again from that time.
━━━did you riding in fresh snow all the way from the time?
yep, i usually ride in pow if it snows in ski resort course. beside, there is no park in Tenjindaira resort in past, so i naturally play in terrain features. it also gap or drop some natural section for jump aspects. i finally in to the park then jump or rail at there, and street shred too. its something feel “fresh” for me. but i dig more snowboarding while mountain ridge, then mountain scenery becomes it to my field to ride, i aimed snowboarding into deeper, higher of the Mt. Tanigawadake.


(上)ボーダークロスの 大会も回っていた選手時代(下 Photo : Takurou Sasaki)シェッド落ち,インディグラブ


  • そうですね。初めて行ったのは新井さん(現・谷川岳山岳警備隊 副隊長)にマチガ沢に連れて行ってもらって、年で行ったら20歳位。新井さんはライダーでもあり、山岳警備隊っていう。もう俺が山に入り始めたときなんて、山の知識もスノーボードスキルも持ってて。マチガ沢の三の沢で、お前『ココだ』って言われて『ハイ!』って、良く分からず下まで滑降して。(笑)もちろん新井さんがしんがりもっていてくれたんで、コッチもやりたい放題やらしてもらったっていう。それで、初めてバックカントリーに入るってうので、新井さんに声かけてもらって、ビーコン・ゾンデ・救出方法。これはちゃんとしとかないとヤバいよって言われて教えてもらいました。やっぱり谷川岳で自分じゃないクルーも事故があったら、最終的にしんがりもってくれるのは谷川山岳警備隊ですから。色々お世話になってますね。初めてピーク行ってマチガ沢を滑ったときは、スノーボードの本質を知ったなっていう。それからはどんどん魅力に取り付かれて行きましたね。

━━━do you remember the first time when you hiked up the peak of Mt. Tanigawadake?
yeah i remember it. Mr. Arai ( he is recently works as sub-leader of Mt. Tanigawadake guard) took me out Machigasawa area as first opportunity for me. i think it happened when i was 20years old. he also hold the post of rider. so he had already great skills, knowledge and experienced for mountain when i just started into the mountain. at the Sannosawa of Machigasawa, he said to me “here is your line” and i answered “oh, ok..” then i tried to drop there even i don’t understood how i can ride, what should be noted.. but he lead me while finally so i could ride safety. he also tought me lots such how we rescue the crew, how to use a beacon and a probe for back country. he definitely help me for everything about backcountry things, otherwise i did running a risk. since he is the mountain guard, he has cover up everything for our blunders or accident not only our crew but also for the people in Mt. Tanigawadake. i appreciate all he has done for us. i understood “a real nature” of snowboarding when i went up the peak and the first experience to rode in Sannosawa of Machigasawa. since then, i rapidly obsessed with the attractive of Mt. Tanigawadake.

interview : 2014

初めてのピーク。初めてのマチガ沢。 Photo : Takurou Sasaki

谷川岳注意書き看板設置2014 現在も当時のままの関係が続く、 新井さん(左)とノリ (右)