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he is a resident in Uonuma city, Niigata pref. professional qualification in the half pipe. things experienced for himself to ride in park and street rail fields, he transfer the place of the activity in freeriding one. he laid the foundation of freeriding in Hokkaido, he always seek mountain for riding with each local riders. after that, he draws a lines to various mountain with his individual way. in the period in the marriage, to find a place to ride in the vicinity of the house, so it automatically makes his opportunity to ride at Mt. Tanigawadake.

林 正久:Magun
he is from Chigasaki city, Kanagawa pref. he has been attracted viewers through many of competition and movie as a professional snowboarder. in the period in the marriage, he moved to Gumma pref. while he works in Murasaki sports Takasaki, to choose that he ride in Mt. Tanigawadake. his riding skills are an amazing for sure, he studied knowledge and experience about the mountain behind through relationships with local.
Sponsor:ムラサキスポーツ・ENDEAVOR・SESSIONS・SPY・WILLOW・SHIFT・SUUNTO・MATIX・DVS・Team LINE・Da Parts ヒカリ・上田豪(pro skater)・茅ヶ崎の仲間